... rebag.html I couldn't work out the cutting plan, so just go around and around which works out perfectly. Have finished the base and am half way up the sides. I plan to cut an old pair of jeans for the straps and I have lots of buttons to attach them. I will post a piccy when I finish.
Oh so cute! You inspired me to pick up my knitting again and finish the 12 throws I committed to for my grandchildren. Maybe you can help me with a problem. I am knitting a rectangle and want to knit a border around it. How do I count around the corners? Thanks,EJ
Oh cool!! One of the best bits of recycling I've seen yet!! I'll look forward to seeing the one your knitting when it's finished. :-D
Lovely bag, EJ. Please show us your finished result too, won't you? I might have to attempt something like it some day.
Ooo, Gardengater, I will have to speak with my mum, but I have a feeling you have to increase at the edges, otherwise you end up with a puckering affect. Leave it with me and I will see what she who knows everything thinks.
Well here is the finished article. My carrier bag, knitted with old carrier bags! The straps are made from old jeans destined for the recycling as they were wripped and stained. So, what do you think??
Wow, I love that bag. That will get lots of use. If I still had my sewing machine to put the handles on I would be tempted to make one too.