Does anyone have a tall bearded iris, blue in color that they'd like to swap? I have some GORGEOUS HUGE yellow ones that need thinning and a tall purple and gold one that spreads like wildfire! For some crazy reason this spring I decided I needed a frilly blue iris to go with my other colors. It is now stuck in my head and I can't shake this "craving"
You are able to ship plants like through UPS or Fedex? Sorry I am new the swap, seems like the plant may get destroyed.
Not the whole plant. Just the tuber or bulb or rhizome or seeds. I don't ship outside the U.S. I imagine you'd have to have special license and Department of Agriculture certifications and all that legal-schmegal stuff for that. Just like if you were to order from Breck's or Schreiner's or any of those other commercial nurseries.
Also, there are some states that do not allow plant materials to be mailed into their state. So be sure to check that out before mailing them, some times the fines are extremely high. You will find a notification on plant vendor websites and in their paper catalogs listing a few U.S. states that they can not legally ship plants to so that will tell you which states you can not ship to either.
Stratsmom- I think I may have what you are looking for. Here is a picture of one of the Iris's I have.Not sure if this is the color you where thinking of. It is fragrant. Let me know as it will be done blooming in about 2 weeks. I think I have a lighter one also. I'll get a pic of it and post it later.
I started a conversation with you....hopefully I did it right. If you don't get it please let me know and I will try again