Does anyone have a few pieces of comfrey that I can start in my garden? I don't have anything to trade yet. Wait, yes I do...I have a 1/2 lb of bush bean seeds that I ordered by accident...sooooooo
Mine are in ugly shape after the freezes we have had recently, but when they put out new growth and look better I can send some then. Never tried to start them, what part do you need to do that?
Hummerbum, I grew mine for the first time in a big pot last summer. They are presently in deep freeze right now. I can see how they are come spring . @toni when mine arrived in the mail, they were 1" long cut pieces of root, 1/2" in diameter. So...I am so guessing you would need to send her some root cuttings. BTW @hummerbum what do you plan to do with the comfrey? Toni, what do you do with yours? I got mine upon the recommendation of @Sjoerd. It is supposed to be a great fertilizer for tomatoes.
Hummer, I first read 1/2 bu. of bean seeds. I went by that way too fast. who could accidentally order a half bushel? but after I re read that 1/2 pound seems more reasonable of a mistake. I just got my first comfrey plant started last Spring. if you cant find any locally or a kind hearted soul on here to send you some ask again later and I will send you a start if it grows this Spring. It looked good this past Fall but it was only a couple of leaves yet.
I put all the roots I ordered in one large outdoor bucket. When the comfrey came up, the leaves were huge. Clearly I have too many in that one pot. Assuming they survive the winter, I hope to transplant them to my community garden plot. If you haven't gotten any comfrey by then, I can send you some.
I bought my two a few years ago. don't remember from where but they were about 6" tall in pots. One of it's common names is Boneset, has been used to make a poultice for achy muscles, broken bones, insect bites/stings. But I just use mine as a fertilizer, chop up the mature leaves (not all at once but one or two at a time depending on the size of your plant) and dig them in around plants. It is in the same family as Borage so it also fertilizes the soil it is grown in.
Hi all: Thank you for responding. I ordered a few roots and will go from there. Cayuga: I will be using it for fertilizer/chop & drop and medicinal purposes and all the things that Toni mentioned. I am very much into using nature for my meds. Don't get me wrong, I still use OTC when necessary, but for the most part, fire cider, mullein and in a few months, garlic and honey. I am hooked on mullein that someone from the other forum sent to me. LOL Carolyn: too funny! The crazy thing is that I ordered a small packet along with that!!! Beans for days..Good thing I love them.
Thought you all would love to see the progress of the comfrey cuttings. I have 5 cups and thought 2 were gonners..removed a little soil for signs of life and yessss...they are starting to poke their heads up.
Yay! ItIlooks good. Go ahead and plant it out. It will do better than in pots. It is very hardy. Mine is pushing leaves through the debris left from last year.
Oh it's not going to stay in those cups or in pots..i have some places in mind...i wanted to make sure that the cuttings would grow roots and it was amazing to see!!!