Lots of blossoms, little fruit

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by daisybeans, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
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    annapolis md
    Hello all,

    Veggie questions here... I've got tomatoes in large pots and in the ground, cucumbers in the ground, and squash (yellow and patty pan) in pots and in the ground.

    1. Squash plants are getting LOTS of flowers but little fruit.... Example -- 6 or 8 flowers and maybe one or two squash develops...the rest of the flowers just eventually wilt and fall off after several days. The one yellow squash that is in the ground is getting more fruit from the same number of flowers than the ones in the pots. The leaves of the squash in the pots are a little more pale than the one in the ground but the size of all is very good....

    2. Cucumbers -- lots of flowers but no cukes. Climbing up a wire fence... Leaves on the top are very green; leaves on bottom are pale. That area was saturated with rain a number of times. The growth isn't as robust as I would expect.

    3. Tomatoes -- I have some nice tomatoes on about half the plants (I have 8). Flowers eventually fall off and no fruit is setting.... One of the plants has not gotten any flowers or fruit.... The tomatoes that have set, have been hanging there green for a couple weeks just taking their time. New ones don't seem to be setting or at least not lately.

    4. Peppers doing fine. Okra seems fine (though I've never grown it so don't really know for sure). Broccoli doing fine. These are in the same areas/types of pots or in the ground as all the rest.

    The plants have enough space. The pots are large. They get nice sun for most of the day. I fed them with Plant Tone and added compost when I planted them. A few days ago I fed with fish emulsion. We've had an extreme amount of rain past 2 months and slightly cooler than usual temps.

    I polled the neighbors... Two are having same issues. Two others are not. We're wondering whether the rain has kept the butterflies away. There are a lot of bees in the yard but no butterflies?

    What could be going on? I feed and water at the base of the plant, should I add a foliar feed? Am I having pollination problems or am I just impatient.... So far, I've harvested 3 patty pans and 3 yellow squash, lost a few to rotting.

    Thanks for your advice, when you have a minute after the weekend. :stew2:
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