The crossbills are still visiting, a pair came today. I usually have the camera handy so I managed a few shots. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
O.K. I had to look up Crossbills as I had never seen one before. Interesting bird, not something I am likely to encounter much less differentiate between a type 3 and a type 10. Now I know what one looks like. I have a 2% chance of seeing one according to a distribution map. Do you see them often? Jerry
Hi Gerry, I see them most days, at least every week. Now I don't go looking for the camera when they arrive. ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Kildale's Garden )
Great photo! We had the pleasure of a visit recently of two pairs of Crossbills. We weren't sure what we were seeing, they aren't around here very much. Had to get the bird book out.They were at the feeders a lot, must've been hungry from travelling! I tried taking photos, but mine are not anywhere as good as yours.