This is an update of my last posting in Weirdest thing you used for a vege to climb on? Luffa Tree? ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) Luffa ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) This is the first luffa and it is about 15 feet off the ground. The plant is now more than 20feet high but with the very spacious "trellis", it does not look like there were much growth from my last posting. At the moment it looks very promising for a bumper harvest and I am keeping my fingers crossed for at least 6 fruits in total.
Well, 6 huh? sounds like you'll have enough for all year long if you use them as bath sponges. Or do you eat them when they are young?
I had to look up Luffa.....fruit.....KK, is it yummy? Dried and as a sponge....interesting. The next time I am in the grocery store I will look for it. KK is it seasonal? When would I expect to see it in the vegetable aisle? With a large Southeast Asian population in the next city over, there are a lot if fruit and vegetables in the produce aisle I am unfamiliar with and it might be interesting to experiment with some on the dinner plate, if I knew more about them. Jerry
IF you see it in the produce at all, probably in the fall. You don't want to eat the first few that set, at least not here in z7. Let them grow and pick off later ones while they're small to use as "vine okra". It's good fried, stir-fried, never tried to boil it or microwave.
Thanks all, here and we eat the luffa it is yummie! Cayuga Morning :-D Donna S it is a angled luffa or petola. Carolyn we eat them because they are so yummie! Maybe if it is too high for me to get at, it might become bath sponges. Marlingardener :-D Cherylad I had not try it before ...... hmmm maybe I should try one. Jerry Sullivan it is a ..... I think I'll call it a veggie fruit and it is delicious. You must try it and I am sure you'll like it. It is not seasonal and is available year round here in the supermarts. Rockhound, didn't know that it is also known as "vine okra" and glad you like it too!