Has any one completed a Master Gardener program? Or is this just something in Michigan? It is being offered this fall by Michigan State University Extension. It would be for 6 Saturdays and I am thinking about signing up. To become a certified master gardener the course must be completed and 40 hours of volunteer service performed.
Go for it Polly! I think i've seen them offer that at our court house in the extension office before.
Polly, the Master Gardener program is available thru out the US and three provinces of Canada. http://www.ahs.org/master_gardeners/ I have been thinking of signing up for the program here too.
I am seriously considering it. Have to check some schedules before I commit to the class. Saturdays are usually my only free day to get things done and this will take all Saturdays in September and October. But I have been considering it for several years. Probably time to take the plunge.
I think this sounds like something you really want to do so I would Do It. Once you sign up you will be committed. As for the volunteer part-it seems you are always generously volunteering for something. 8)
I've completed the Iowa version of the Master Gardener Program. It's definitely worth the time and effort! For our 40 hours of community service, my group started a children's garden at the local school for troubled youth. They had a shed that had been donated to the school, so it got all dolled out like a little house, and we planted the garden around the shed. Once a week we'd come and give a one hour lesson on gardening. It took no time at all to get our 40 hours in. We were able to get local nurseries to donate some plants, and the school built a 6' chain link fence around the garden.
What a marvelous charity thing to do! Who can beat a garden? I've toyed with putting in time for one of these courses too, they have it available at a college near me - sounds like a wonderful thing, if you are up to the memorization and such.