Meet the newest family member! *trying again

Discussion in 'Pets' started by Ronni, May 7, 2017.

  1. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    I would like to introduce the latest addition to my daughter's family, their new foster (and hopefully, new member of our family, if he's happy here). The shelter named him "Cash", but the kids are toying with new names such as "Trail Mix" and "Poo Da Toot". :rofl::smt043:smt044
    Hopefully they'll work on that some. ;)

    Sweet River has wanted his own dog for as long as he was able to articulate that. Charlie, the great dane, is way too big for Rivs to deal with, and he's bonded to Paige anyway. Howard, the small mix, is a sweet dog with the kids, but very aloof. River has tried to make Howard "his" dog for ages, but Howard just won't have any of it! Won't sleep on River's bed, won't be compliant on a leash for River, won't sit with him or bond with him. Anway, needles to say River is estatic. Cash even slept on River's bed last night with just can't get any more "a boy and his dog" than that!!! :heart:
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  3. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Awww, what a little cutie! Cash was lucky to find a new best friend in River!
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  4. Sherry8

    Sherry8 I Love Birds!

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Location: 5
    I am glad things are working out ....nothing better than a dog that likes you best...
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  5. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Looks like he is spoiled already ! Great dog.
    Philip Nulty likes this.

  6. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    It looks as though there's going to be a great bond between River and Cash and I look forward to more pics of them together soon.:)
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  7. Islandlife

    Islandlife Young Pine

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Super cute - I'm talking about the entire crew too! :) :)
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  8. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    You guys! It is SO sweet to see little Cash trotting after River everywhere he goes! :heart: He's been sleeping in River's room, up on the bed with him. He'll curl up next to River wherever the boy lands, and is always close by when River is playing with Lucy wherever they happen to be. It is just the most adorable thing to see!

    There's still a lot of adjustment to be had between Cash, and Charlie (the 180 pound Great Dane) who is uneasy around Cash. Charlie's body language is so confusing...we still can't quite tell if he's going to be aggressive towards Cash, or if he's just kinda anxious and nervous. For all his size, Charlie is a complete wuss! Howard, the other dog in the house, the little under 20 pound terrier mix, is dominant in the house. Thinking Cash is going to be next in line the way it's looking.

    Anyway, only time will sort all that out. Meanwhile we're all just going gooey over how sweet River and his little canine companion are together!
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  9. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    Well, this is sad....sad update on the family's foster-to-adopt doggie.

    Cash will be heading back to his previous foster, after biting poor sweet River in the face. :( Little dogs can be sensitive, so the kids were instructed heavily on the proper way to handle him, but this was completely unprovoked. He simply lay down next to him, and Cash reacted. It's a shallow puncture, broke the skin, with some bruising and abrasions on his cheek.

    Cash was described as loving kids and it really seems like he enjoys their energy and loves to play.. but to keep a dog that bites is just not fair to my Paige's kids, the kids who come over to play, and ultimately not fair to Cash either, who may need a different type of family to feel comfortable and relaxed.

    Sweet River is pretty heartbroken, both that Cash would do that to him, ("because I just love him, why doesn't he love me back?") and also that he has to go, though he completely understands why. Paige has done a very good job of prepping the kids that this was a tryout...explained what foster to adopt means, that sometimes adoptions don't work out which is why you have a trial run..that kind of thing.

    I will mention that Paige used to be a vet tech, and she fostered numerous dogs and cats in conjunction with the vet's office and our local rescue organizations, while she was still living at home. She has much experience. I know what a hard decision this has been for her. Well, not difficult in one respect, because this is about keeping the kiddos safe and that of course is the highest priority.

    But I also know how dedicated she has always been to rescuing, how very many animals she's fostered over the years, how she nursed them back to health, socialized them and then found homes for them, and how she's stood firm in her decision to find a dog from within the rescue community when it would have been so much easier to to just go buy exactly what she wanted from a breeder.

    The rescue organization has been wonderful. They were thrilled that Paige wanted to adopt, said she was a perfect candidate, and they are now working with her to find her another animal that will work in the family. No recriminations, no guilt, no judgement. So Paige and William and the kids are going to attend the weekly adoption event tomorrow at our local Petco, and meet several other dogs that the rescue has said might work. There's one in particular, a little puppy named Dot, that they're hopeful about.

    Keep your fingers crossed for them please. :heart:
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  10. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Oh I will Ronnie and I hope that Dot is more suitable for River. Poor lad must be completely devastated by the behaviour that Cash displayed. However, Paige is quite right to take him back as her children must be her first priority. I'm sure there will be a dog, if not Dot then another, just waiting to join the family and be best buddies with River. Having been a vet nurse and fostering many animals myself I know Paige will always make the right decisions. I wish her, and her family, all the best in picking a new four legged friend for the family.
    Philip Nulty and Ronni like this.
  11. Islandlife

    Islandlife Young Pine

    Jul 8, 2016
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    That is a terribly sad story Ronnie (big sigh here) but all round it really is best to make the tough decision that is in the best interests of all involved. Going to be sad for a while but it is best for Cash to be where he feels best and where you all can relax knowing nothing like what happened is going to happen again.
    Ronni likes this.
  12. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    Ok, dog rescue round two!

    Meet Dot. Please let her be the right dog for the family. And send some warm thoughts to Paige, please, that she keeps her sanity while training this teenager. ;) So far so good, the other dogs have zero issues with her, other than being annoyed by her exuberant and enthusiastic nature and desire to play. River adores her, Lucy tolerates her. Lucy doesn't like being slobbered on, and Dot does give countless slobbery, happy kisses ;)

    We are hopeful that this is the one. Fingers crossed.


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    Frank likes this.
  13. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Dot has such soft eyes that I have a feeling she may be the one for River this time. :fingerscrossed: I'm sure Cash will find a forever home with someone that doesn't have children where he can settle. I'm looking forward to hearing how everything goes with Dot. :stew2:
  14. cuatro-gatos

    cuatro-gatos In Flower

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Southern California
    Dot is adorable. Here's hoping everything works out for all parties.
  15. Islandlife

    Islandlife Young Pine

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Dot looks super cute. Bet she is going to be a real character too :) :) :)
  16. Ronni

    Ronni Hardy Maple

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Nashville Tennessee
    The adoption is official!

    Dot is super friendly with everyone, trots after River like his shadow, and is every bit a puppy.... an annoying, exuberant, tireless, energetic, did I say annoying? ;) bundle of energy and abundant love :D:heart:

    But he's trainable, slowly and with much patience. And he just LOVES EVERYONE, even when Howard gets annoyed with him and barks him away, even when Charlie just practically sits on him to get him to calm down, even when Lucy gets upset with him because he ran off with her Barbie doll...AGAIN! The kids do what kids with him do no matter how closely you watch them, and he never snaps or barks, never retaliates...mostly he just thinks its a game and he plays with joy! :)

    He will eventually grow out of the annoying puppy stage, and into a steadfast companion for River, and all round easygoing and unthreatening family dog. Until then....well, God give me patience!!! :eek:;)

    Frank and eileen like this.

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