Two pots of red Mums hanging on the front fence. ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) Second generation French marigold. ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) The Coreopsis started several years ago as one smallish plant, I think there are 5 or more that have created this mat of plant and that isn't the only large mass of them, just the largest. They have become pretty invasive in my yard. ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )
Now, now Toni--you´ve got some real colour there! Those red mums are startling. Those Coreopsis masses look pretty darn good for an invasive groundcover, I must say. The French Marigold looks perfect in that tea pot. I have really enjoyed these pics tonight.
Great shots Toni. I really like that red Mum in the American Flag planter. It looks nice and very patriotic
Really like your mums. They are such a pretty color... and I really like the fence, and have since you first showed us a panel of it.
Mmm, I love your colours. Those mums are so bright. I have tried growing coreopsis but haven't had any success so far. Your mat makes me want to try again.
Hope I brought a little color to the winter you all are already into. When I first bought the Mums the buds were still tightly closed and it seemed like they all opened at once to make a really nice showing. Droopy, good luck with Coreopsis. Our warmer temps makes them super easy to grow here and the birds really like the seeds...that makes them grow everywhere. I am going to pull up what I don't want and make an offer on the rEcycle list, I don't have places to plant them all.