Am new to this area. Have millions (I'm sure that's a correct number!) of small plants coming up all over. Am trying to id them. They look like the leaves of the mimosa tree that is in the area although several hundred feet away. The tree is gorgeous (or was when in bloom). Do you think all of these little plants are from the seedpods! or should I keep looking at pics trying to ID them? Whew - what a lot of weeding I am in store for. Thanks for any info anyone might have.
Piney woods of Texas? Great, lovely area. You may have mimosa seedlings, or you may have a weed that is relatively low growing, has leaves like the mimosa, and a tap root that is anchored in Singapore! It is commonly called "powderpuff" and although pretty, is very invasive and hard to eradicate. The best way to tell the mimosa seedlings apart from the weed is to see if the plant develops upright growth. If so, mimosa; if not, weed.
There is also another plant that looks and has leaves exactly like the mimosa but is rarely over a few inches tall. They grow in many wooded areas in Texas. Can`t remember the name of the darn thing,, but to tell the difference between the mimosa and it just run your finger softly down the edge of the leaves. They will close up.
If any of the seedling have gotten big enough to have "bark," mimosa bark is speckled and a little rough. Pull 'em up quick -- they get their long tap root fast.
And don't forget about the Sesbania drummondii (Rattlebox). They are all over the place. The leaves look like a Mimosa's. I gets about 5 foot tall. But the flowers aren't the same, they are yellow. And it spreads seeds from here to Mars! :-D