What do you people think about this idea? I think I can already guess your answers, but still, I just had to ask... http://www.elledecor.com/design-decorate/house-interiors/news/a8478/glass-tree-house/ http://www.dezeen.com/2016/03/16/tr...hitects-conceptual-design-cylindrical-glazed/
Sorry to say that I, personally, see it as nothing more than a monstrosity. Even if I had the space for it I wouldn't have it anywhere near my garden. I suppose there are many people who would have a totally different opinion to mine and good on them. If you want a talking point or a real feature and this kind if thing is for you then go for it.
I kinda like it, but the first thing I thought was "how on earth do you keep it clean"? So even though I like the structure I can tell you right now it would drive me crazy.....
I wonder how hot it would get. And having a large tree inside...wouldnt you have bugs? And wouldnt the glass create a micro climate that the tree isnt used to? Omgoodness, so many questions
It really spoils the nice scene,..not for me at all,..it doesn't blend in,..looks like it just landed from somewhere.
I actually stand with Eileen over this! Because I also don't see this as something practical, nor secure - Being posting around here since 2010, I think it is fair to say that you all are already aware that I myself would rather love to reside in some type of an earthquake proof underground nuclear bunker, (than this monstrosity)... So naturally, this doesn't appeal to me either. But I was just wondering what you guys had to say about it. Personally, if I was vising the some exotic mountainous area, and if I had to stay in a hotel which was built like this (just for a day at the most) - Then I guess it would be OK. But to actually live in something like that 365 days a year??? No thanks! Maybe on housing colonies on Mars, this concept would be successful. As Mars has after all got an atmosphere of it's own (so no risk of micro meteorites shattering the glass). Martian soil can also support plant life, (it only lacks water and the correct growing temperature). So something like this would indeed seem practical over there, where everyone will have to grown their own food... But last time I checked the real estate section of the newspapers, I didn't see any ads of residential plots available on Mars...