I went into a rarely-used room in my home yesterday and saw a bunch of mold on the wall down to the carpet (so maybe in the carpet too?)I have no idea how it could have gotten there (there's no visible moisture source). I panicked and called a few pro's to hopefully find a solution to all this. So if you guys don't have any suggestions about how to take care of it besides a bleach/water solution (they don't work for long, I've tried it before) I'll use these guys. Thanks! moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules
Mould can be found growing along walls where warm, moist air condenses on cooler wall surfaces, such as inside cold exterior walls Lance. Here is a website that may help you decide what to do about the problem you are having. http://www.idph.state.il.us/envhealth/f ... _qa_fs.htm
Over the weekend I was looking at mold companies and I think I'm going to use them. I don't think I want to mess with all the DIY stuff dealing with mold, so I'll go with the pro's. Moderators note....website information removed.
You are doing the right thing calling in the pros. Mold is usually reoccurring and needs proper attention so it doesn't come back.
Removing Mold is a delicate subject since it most of times is recurring. A problem in the insulation of your walls, a not very often aired room or a room like bathrooms with lots of humidity are the most effected. I usually use Vinegar to clean up the mold but I also know in what spots of my home mold occurs on a regular basis and so I clean it as soon as I notice the first little spot. This helps preventing the mold spots to grow too much as it obviously happened on your end. So yes, in your case I probably would ask for the pro's help too.