Our golden retriever,Molly is very frustrated with our squirrels, she gets no respect and either do I. I bang on the window, she barks and they just keep eating. Just waiting for food ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) Here is a video I took of Molly & he squirrel. (you may have to adjust your volume...down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLezARS04pg
Chuckle...will you ever have peace and quiet again? Those still pics that ypou took of the squirrel are good. I can almost imagine that I see some expression on that animal's face.
What a cheeky little devil that squirrel is!! It looks as though it actually enjoys teasing poor Molly. It would get an awful shock though if there was no glass in the window!!
Molly will sit there quietly when I am watching the birds but she does not like squirrels, turkeys, deer or especially cats. We had two neighborhood cats that roamed around and took great delight in walking back & forth in front of the window to torment her. Fortunately they moved away. Glad you all liked it. As "cheeky" as they are, they are amusing to watch...but persistent and annoying.
I agree with Sjoerd, I think I seen a smirk on that fella's face Poor Molly, that pesky thing is just tormenting her.
I think you should let Molly out the door.I bet that smirk on that squirrels face would leave real fast.
Glenda...when I do let her out, she bolts out the door and usually runs in the wrong direction she forgets she has to make a left turn.
That squirrel is just a bold little brat! Looks like Molly gets exhausted trying to get him to scram! I had to laugh because our old dog Missy will be laying out in the yard and the squirrels will be within a few feet and she either doesn't care, or she can't see them. The squirrels have the run of the yard until the kitties come out!