I can't help thinking it's pretty, but I'm glad we haven't got that kind of weather now. How's your chili soup coming?
Droopy, it's looking good and tastes good too! I have been sneaking spoonfuls all afternoon. The cook's gotta taste right?
Looks like winter's going out with a bang for you Captain! Enjoy that chili and stay warm spring is right around the snow drift lol.
The official total is 16 inches of snow and that's what we have not counting the drifts. I have several that are right at 4 foot. The official description of a blizzard is: Wind gusts of 35 mph, lasting for a minimum of 3 hrs. and visibility of 1/4 mile or less. We had all of that. We had wind gusts of around 45 mph.
I'm sorry your weather is so bad Capt.It was 72 degrees and beautiful .That snow that deep would be so miserable to me . I'm so glad I live in this part of Texas.We get snow just not much most of the time.I may end up in Montana but for now I'm here.
We are officially still in a drought here . . . even with all of the rain . . . so I envy you actually. That snow with it's slow melting seepage into the ground will be wonderful for Ohio's water tables. (Plus you could make snow cream!!!) Pina Snolodas Big bowl of snow 1 can frozen Bacardi Pina Colada Mix 1 cup of rum Mix well and eat with a spoon. It is delightful!
That sure was a nasty storm, wasn't it Capt? I'm sure it was the worst storm of the winter here in Ontario. Today the shovel out begins...
Everything looks lovely CK but I don't think I'd want to find 16" of snow outside let alone all the drifts you'll have to contend with. I guess your snowblower is going to be put to good use isn't it?
The official total at the Columbus Ohio airport was 20.5 inches. But I didn't quite get that much here.