Most of the plants you grow in your garden we can only have as houseplants. It's so nice to see them growing outside where they belong.
eileen, I totally agree with you. Wouldn't that be great? blissful, You are a very special person. How beautiful your gardens and yard are. I envy you. I love the 2nd plant in the picture down. What is the name of it. My greenhouse would love to have one there.
I'm envious off all that green at this time of year. I'll be adding more of the stuff that I still have green in the spring. All this brown is just depressing. :-D
Wow, cool plants and yes they would also be potted up around here. I had a long vacation for xmas and NewYear, I also had time to inspect my little garden and I found a lot if stuff still green. I hope to post some pics when I get home.
Yes! All thesr photos of green plants growing elsewhere are so heartening this (winter) time of year.