How much more do these seeds need to sprout before I can put them in a pot? I have 3 as you can see, although I can't remember whether it is Scarlet O'Hara or Flying Saucers. Could I just plant them in one pot and let them grow into one happy mess? I have plenty of seeds to plant outdoors, but I have had luck with growing them indoors and they actually bloom too! I thought maybe I could put them into a medium pot and kind of let them spill over the sides, would that be a good idea? morning glory seeds ( photo / image / picture from gardennut's Garden )
Yay!! I just love those little sprouts!!! I've never had any luck putting them in a pot :-? Because they grow upwards, they don't spill over very good If you have a spot outside where they can climb I bet they'll really surprise you Watch out for frost though, those big, tender leaves can get burnt really quickly, when you least expect it!
I know what mean about climbing fast, I have a trellis in front of my house and they climb all the way to the top and over the top! I just get impatient for summer so I start them indoors, I have even had them bloom while indoors. They are fast when they start though.
They are ready to get things going...those seeds. I daren't plant mine yet as there is still a few weeks of uncertainty over here. We say here--"April does what it will". translated literally. That basically means that it is not too late or too early for ANYTHING. Because it can still frost, I cannot prepare my seeds yet. I am so encouraged to see that you have begun yours already. Perhaps a wee bit jealous. hahaha. I can't wait to see their flowers.
lucky growing flowers I have had good luck with just about anything I grow, I am having trouble with my calla lilies. I only have one sprout and it does not seem to grow very much at all, it does a little bit, but not very fast. And my Moon Flowers are presenting a challenge too, I have one outside and two indoors, the one is a teeny bit weak-looking, I may get rid of it, the other is already close to a set of true leaves! Should I put a stick in the stronger one for it to climb on now, or wait a while?
Well, I use a small "rack"-like structure, or at least three sticks and some twine...if I do not, the morning glories become all tangled with eachother. I plan to plant some inside and some outside in the place where they will grow. One is the insurance should the other one not work. If they BOTH work, then I will have a luxurious mass of the flowers over the's a win-win scenario, y'know. Well that is a lot of waffling only to say, "yes. I would place a stick (or something) for the plantlet to climb up".
Morning glories tangled up together Is there really any reason not to let them get tangled together? I was planning on keeping them indoors all the time and I think they would look good all messed up together. I have quite a few already planted from last year, I just let the seeds fall wherever they want to, there is Heavenly Blue outside by the trellis and they DO love to climb.
Oh, I see. Well in that case there would be no problem. I thought that you planned on putting them outdoors. oops. I guess that the question is--do you intend to let them climb indoors ot will you plant them in a suspended hanger? Just curious.
morning glories I'll just let them climb indoors, I usually tie a string to something high and let them climb it. I put the lamp where it will be higher than the pot and let them go.
Man, that sounds a good plan to me. I'll bet that you will get a great deal of pleasure from them. Do post some piccies when they are blooming, oké?
13 years ago i bought a 10 cent pkg of morning glory seeds. Pink, blue and purple. I was so excited. It grew up and over the basketball net and B l o o m e d!!! It was stupendous. I am now ready to bomb the yard. No matter what i do i cannot get rid of the things. They intertwine with everything, choking the bushes. The birds eat the seeds and replant them everywhere they poop. I am sorry i planted them!! Invasive invasive invasive... I have spent more $$ and TIME trying to kill them off. .10 cent plant from the DARK side. I hope you have better luck with them.
Hee hee hee....."A 10¢ plant from the Dark Side". I don't know why, but that just struck me as hilarious. I have had a similar experience in the garden, but after a couple of years, I got them all out. Now, I'm going to do it all over again...Nuts 'er wot. Ach, I sometimes have these lapses in judgement. I need some to cover a new arch cum tunnel-ette. Now that I know what to expect, I can combat their spread in a different way. ....."A plant from the Dark Side"...ROARRRRRRRRR.
LOL!! I plant a couple of morning glories every year in a pot and love the blue flowers. The blooming season here is very short though.