I picked up a copy when i was in the states this summer and was very impressed with the quality. just wondered if anyone subscribed to it and there views before i subscribe myself.
I read their website almost daily. I do not always quite agree with them, perhaps because some of their ideas are not quite do-able here at my house. I do enjoy their articles however.
I keep forgetting to subscribe, but I do buy them at stores when I find the new issues. I also have the CD of their first 37 years from 1970 to 2007. The articles are interesting and they have some great recipes. But like almost all gardening related magazines there are some ideas that just won't work in our heat even when we aren't in a drought, but they are interesting to read about anyway.
I'm right there with Bip, I read it when I am at TSC or I check it out at the library. Sometimes there are some great articles in it. The bread oven is still in the back of my mind to build in the back yard.
We used to buy it all of the time but not so much lately. I volunteer at the library and they have a subscription. dr sits and reads it while he waits for me. He gives me a quick rundown as to what I need to check out. Sometimes he has a copy made of a recipe he wants me to try. dooley