Mother's been at it again. She wanted a yellow waterlily. Her problem was she doesn't have a pond in her garden and doesn't plan on making one either. So it lives with us. Now she wanted some pretty, colourful Lewisia. She hasn't got a rock border and isn't planning on making one either. Her solution? Guess! Here they are: There are seven of them of different colours and size. We've got rock borders and we'll make room for them too. They're adorable. Maybe you'd like a closer look at them. These have rather small flowers, but flowers aplenty: And here are those who have larger blooms. They're also lovely: I just hope my mother won't suddenly want a Gingko tree or something that requires a lot of space. We haven't got it.
Droopy I couldn't help smiling at your post. I was thinking along the same lines as you hoping that your mum doesn't fancy a Giant Redwood or something equally as large. I do like the Lewisia though - very pretty and colourful. :-D
Haha Eileen, great minds think alike. She's not very fond of conifers and trees unless they're miniature minis so I think we're safe there. Carolyn, they're perennials and can even stand our freezing temps. The good thing about them is that when they're bloomed out I remove the bloom stems and they'll give more blooms. The rosette is succulent-like and they have a tap root. They like well-drained conditions, and are ideal in rock borders in full sun.
What a delightful group of Lewisia's. You can say what you want about your mum...but she has got great taste in plants. These look awfully good together. I could imagine them lining my patio at the lottie. You are one lucky lady.
Lovely colours,..and a mass of wee flowers as a bonus for size!, must hear bells ring every time your Mom mentions purchasing flowers,.. .
Lucky you Droopy...those are lovely flowers! Oh, and if your Mom does decide to get a Gingko, tell her she can keep it in MY yard!
Wow, those are lovely flowers and a variety of color too!! It's like having nice permanent unexpected guests. Jerry
Yes, they are lovely and colourful, and I like them a lot. I just wish mother would want one or two plants, not seven. Haha, Netty, I think the distance is too far from her to want to keep it at your place.
Those are pretty! Just be thankful your mom likes flowers and not exotic animals, like lions and tigers and bears oh my!
Droopy , Netty could always send a picture for her to see, kind of like those adopt a kid programs you do for children in poor countries, only it would be a tree. Thanks for the info, maybe I'll run across some and get a few. How cold does it get there? I just looked in my big plant book and it says zones 6-7 I live in zone 5 which is a bit colder. sometimes it gets down to -10*F to -20*F = -12c to -29*c
Love the lewisea! I' been growing it in pots the last few years and my one pot is in full bloom. They bloom a couple of times during the summer. I'd have those potted up in no time...actually I have a couple of empty pots those would look real nice in. Your mom is making me think I need another couple of lewisea for those empty planters.
Jewell, I didn't know they like pots. I plant them in rock borders with lots of sand and some stones underneath their leaves. They rot easily without good drainage. I've lost a few that way. I would probably seek asylum in New Zealand if she did! I wish she would. There's only me and sometimes it gets a bit busy. I think mother would like the adopt-a-tree-plan a lot. Last winter we had -15° for a long period of time without snow cover and the Lewisia we've already got managed to survive. It's in bloom now. It's well established, the root's probably very deep. I think it's the wet that gets them and not necessarily the cold.