This is the next generation flower muncher. Most of the time he eats weeds and grass. This time he is munching on a Shasta Daisy leaf. ( photo / image / picture from Jerry Sullivan's Garden ) He has taken up residence under the deck. :-( Jerry
Jerry, that's not munching, that's pruning. He's just trying to help out in the garden you've provided! We greet three or four rabbits each morning--they consider us part of the landscape, nothing to fear. They aren't doing any harm, and are so much cuter than armadilloes!
The bunnies here only munched on my bean vine, and that was easy to fix with a little wire. Now for those armadillos... I don't want to jinx it, but I haven't had any problems with them once I used that spray that's supposed to make grubs taste bad... and a sprinkling of Bloodmeal.
I don't have any Armadillos but as they curl up into a ball, can you play Armadillo crochet with them? Spray paint each a different color and whack them around the lawn. A bonus feature is if they get brave and attempt to run away.... as long as they are running in the right direction, it's good for that player. Bad if they make it home. :-( Just a thought for making Armadillos useful. Jerry
Watch out for that little muncher Jerry. I used to have A muncher too, and I thought it was cute so I let it be. Then, my muncher found a mate and then there were 8. They lived on my shrubs all winter long, dug holes under my sheds, then they ALL mated. This year, I had so many bunnies in the yard that I was starting to feel like Elmer Fudd! Chase it away Jerry, before he gets too comfortable in your yard!!!
Netty--I would LOVE to know how to chase away a cute old bunny! Threats of bunny stew have no effect.
Jerry, honestly, if you don't want them there you should go get coyote urine from the sporting good store. You only use one drop will do it.
Oh, you're little muncher is so cute!! I am glad I have a couple of feline critter cops. My neighbor has some munchers in her garden living under her Hostas. She thinks they are cute too. They are lucky they are so cute....
Our neighbor thinks they are so cute he shoots them and it is not with a camera. Living out in the country we have owls, and hawks that keep our bunny population down. Then there are the crows who are always on the look out for a bunny meal. It is rare to see a bunny in our yard. But the little ones are just to cute.
Cute but they are a problem ...I just found out mine love Gerbera daisys ...I was hoping they would stay interested in the clover in the yard but they must of been looking for dessert... Jerry I think we both need a book on what they like and what not to plant anymore ...we just stopped them from going under part of our house, (overhang of a room with nothing underneath) We put brick all around it... Tooty...never heard of a crow killing rabbits, and my dog has been chasing the crows away