hey everyone. yesterday. sunday. i went to the woods with my parents. a neighbor tipped us that there's some kinds of mushrooms growing on logs and stumps. well, she didn't come with us. we went to the woods, found some, but we realized we didn't know if these were the edible ones or not. it was a good way to spend time. i love woods. even if it was kinda cold and no plants/flowers to admire. here are some pics!
I wouldn't have picked any of those mushrooms. I don't recognize a single one of them. Brown-hatted mushrooms are very difficult to ID, and there are some extremely poisonous ones that could look like edible ones. The best way to learn about edible mushrooms is to either find someone who knows a lot about them or find out if your garden society holds classes and join one.
I know droopy. my parents have picked mushrooms from fields/forests since they were little. but they only know some good ones. the rest, they ignore, even if they see them for sale at the markets. so we eat "SAFE". we did pick some, just to show them to our neighbor probably to see if any would be edible... but mom definitely said she wouldn't cook any of those.
Your photos are lovely. I just love looking at mushrooms and the small world they create. Looks like you found lots to show off in "eye candy" even if you didn't find any edibles.
I enjoy taking photographs of mushrooms/toadstools but never pick them as I haven't a clue which ones are edible. Your pictures are lovely and they show what a great variety of funghi you have in your area.
i enjoy going to the woods for mushroom picking. normally, during the summer. but last summer we didn't have any rains so the woods were dry and no... mushrooms...
We had tons of mushrooms this autumn, and we picked a lot too, but a lot less than we could have picked if we only had more time to go out there and enjoy.
The second and third ones down on the top row look like some kind of Mycena. And the first and last ones in the bottom row seem to be coral fungi. The fourth on the top might be Ganoderma, don't know about the others.
Fabulous piccies of those mushyrooms. I love seeing them and taking pictures of them. I'm another who has no idea about any, so I am a looker not a toucher.
Very nice mushroom fotos. It looks like all the conditions were right for them to come above ground--lucky that you were able to see them.
thanks guys. yea... the right conditions. we've had more rains in the past two weeks than we had all those summer months. quite a few mushrooms coming up, but it's late in the season and those my parents "know" to be edible, are out of season. anyway. i had a good time! who knows, maybe my next outing will be in spring which is a few months away i'm happy you enjoyed them.
I worked at a mushroom plant for over 9 years and still would not try to ID them in the wild .Your photos are great Calin.
I will identify anything I can, and I love mushrooms, so this is the result. Great photos, I can rarely bend down low enough to photograph mushrooms from anything but the top.
thanks guys. well, i didn't post with the intention of identifiying. wouldn't help a lot. i am only a mushroom fan as long as i spend time in the woods looking for them and then eating them with my family. that's it hehehe aythya... well.. it's good exercise, i can tell you. lol