I planted brown mustard, Brassica juncea, for the seed. I read it would grow 1-3' tall. It is about 5' tall and now falling over onto other plants. Can I harvest it early? There are still flowers on top but also plenty of full sized seed pods. I know I wont get as much seed if I pull it early, but I already have more than I expected. Will the taste be compromised if I harvest it early?
As long as the seed pods are ripe then I see no problem with harvesting them now. If you pinch out the growing tips from your plants in future it ensures that they'll be smaller and bushier and therefore less likely to fall over.
Thanks Eileen. How do I know if the pods are ripe? they are big around but still green. None of them have turned brown or split. I read that they should be harvested before they split. I have always collected other seeds when the pods were brown , splitting or had a thin paper like texture.
Your seed pods should have a plump, cylinder-like shape when ripe. Try popping one and if it bursts open easily then the pods are ready to be picked.