My Baby Brugmansia Sanguinea's

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Bodhi, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. Bodhi

    Bodhi Seedling

    Jan 9, 2011
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    S. FL
    Brugmansia Sanguinea, 3 ( photo / image / picture from Bodhi's Garden )

    Brugmansia Sanguinea, forked ( photo / image / picture from Bodhi's Garden )

    These three came up early december. Since Brugs love fertilizer and rich soil, I've babied them to death. My climate does not permit me to grow these jewels very well in summer, so they will come in to a sunny southern window to hopefully bloom. I'll post photos of their improvement and blooms when they show up. P.S> Anyone who knows anything about brugs, can easily see that the largest already has the fork!!!
    (2nd photo)
    The flower is treasured amongst us bruggies, and is the only red and yellow angel's trumpet flower yet known.
    eileen likes this.
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Such strong, healthy plants you have there. How long does it take a plant started from seed to bloom, I mean will you get blooms this year or do you have to wait until next year?
  4. Bodhi

    Bodhi Seedling

    Jan 9, 2011
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    S. FL
    I should get blooms this year toni, IF they all fork like the bottom one has.
    I am so excited too, I can't wait to see the flowers! :)
  5. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    I have never grown them so .... does the plant have to fork before it can bloom? Does it fork naturally or do you have to help it along by snipping off a stem when it is smaller to make if fork?

  6. Bodhi

    Bodhi Seedling

    Jan 9, 2011
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    S. FL
    One cannot force the plant to fork. Yes, it will only bloom on limbs above the fork. The leaf pattern will begin to change as the plant nears beginnings of creation of the fork. I'll try to post some pictures of the different leaf attention when one of the others begins to display the habit. It is also said that cuttings one takes to make new plants, if done above fork, will bloom sooner than those not taken above fork, such as from the trunk.
    Here is a link to photo of the flowers:
    Of all the brugmansias, this is the only one I have that seems to have a 'waxy' appearing flower, instead of the light, wafty flowers of my others. ;)
    Another rare thing amongst the brugs is a variegated leaf coloration. I have one of those too, she's called 'Emerald Frost.' she will be blooming by midsummer (hopefully) and I'll show some photos of the leaves when they get going. emerald frost is really grown more for her leaves, as the flower is pretty common looking amongst brugs.
    Most brugs have a very lovely, heady scent that attracts hummingbirds and large moths, (sphinx family) that in nature would be their pollinators.
    This scent becomes even more intense as the crepuscular hours approach.
    Frank, eileen and toni like this.
  7. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Oradea, Romania
    ooooh.... sanguinea. been lookign for it tor a long time. found it but it was too expensive. supposed to still be "rare".

    i got some cuttings from a friend, and one of them should be sanguinea. but since i haven't managed to root them all, there is just one that MIGHT BE sanguinea.

    now in winter, i have that one on my windowsill in my apartment, but no sun as i am facing north with all windows.

    doesn't look too good (lack of sun) but it's got tiny buds (quite a few) - only problem is they fall off when still tiny. and i will have to wait till summer to figure out what kind it really is.
  8. Bodhi

    Bodhi Seedling

    Jan 9, 2011
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    S. FL
    Perlite Rooted Cuttings ( photo / image / picture from Bodhi's Garden )

    Calin, get it OUT of the water! This will kill it for sure! It needs to be in almost pure perlite. Dip proper end in rooting powder or superthrive with rooting hormone. Stick at least 2 to 4 nodes (I don't know how long your cutting is) into the perlite. Place in deep pan with water, in sunny place indoors. Keep bottom 'warm.' Every day or so, water the stemmed cutting directly with hormone infused water (like Superthrive) and allow water to run off into the pan. keyword 'superthrive' for photo if you don't have it. Their website is arachaic, but the product I swear by.
    Brugmansia is very hard to root from green cuttings---unless done like this. It's the only way I've ever got a green one to root. Note the brugs to the left. The other is also very hard to root-at all- it is passiflora vitifolia. And the perlite method works with it too, about 75 percent of the time. Good luck :)
    Edit: You did say you have green buds, so i really don't want to 'change' what you're doing if it's budding. But I'd be verrry cautious. At the very first sign of stem rot-it gets mushy where stem is under water- i'd transfer it over to this method. ;)
    Edit (again): You may be losing the buds because in water....rots them. ;(
    eileen likes this.
  9. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Gosh what lovely, healthy, young plants you have there. I've tried growing them here in Scotland but our weather just isn't good enough for them to survive. I'll look forward to seeing more photographs of the when they bloom for you. :-D
  10. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Thanks for all the info on Brugs. I look forward to seeing their progess.
  11. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Oradea, Romania
    hey bodhi... thanks for all info :)
    but it's not in water. already rooted and in soil.
    in a pot.
    where did i say "water" ???
    some big plants were for sale last fall, about 20 USD. Pretty big ones. But that was too much for me...
    i'll see what this one turns out to be!
  12. Bodhi

    Bodhi Seedling

    Jan 9, 2011
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    S. FL
    Good morning Calin,
    Good thing I learned typing as a kid, as I have the board memorized...
    You said.. "now in winter,"
    Lol, I have been saying for months i need new glasses, and now i am SURE of it! Please forgive me, I am going to have to get an appointment and have this prescription upped.
    But I am so happy to hear that the plant is OK. Sorry again for that, i just desperately wanted it to be saved for you, they are hard to come by. I must have seen an 'a' instead of an 'i' in winter, and not even seen the n at all, i hate getting old! :oops:
    eileen likes this.
  13. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Oradea, Romania
    I know. and I figured that's where you sau "water".
    and don't worry. i need glasses desperately. for distance. and when it gets dark, i am blind like a chicken.
    yes... i know. rare. hard to come by. and i still wish mine's also a B. sanguinea.
    but i won't know before i see the first bloom open.
    and it's sooo frustrating, seeing all those little buds just fall off :(
    Bodhi likes this.
  14. Bodhi

    Bodhi Seedling

    Jan 9, 2011
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    S. FL
    Thank you Calin, for understanding.
    I was wondering, do you have a greenhouse or something similar to help you garden during the cold winters? or is your home sunny enough to allow you to do indoors?
    What are your summer high temperatures there? Do you get a monsoonal time of year? What flowers are native to your country?
  15. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Oradea, Romania
    Forests cover over one quarter of the country, Romania and the fauna is one of the richest in Europe.

    Image of the National FlowerDog rose (Rosa canina), a very fast growing deciduous shrub serves as the national flower of Romania. Dog roses can be either self supporting or climbers; the tallest specimens invariably use other plants for support. They make wonderful displays in the hedgerows during June and July and It thrive on a wide range of soils, except very dry or waterlogged ones.
    Other Native and popular Flower of Romania

    The presence of diverse associations of heat-loving Balkan and sub-Mediterranean plants in close proximity to Circumpolar, Arctic and Alpine species is a unique characteristic of the massifs of Romania. Some of the native Flowers to Romania are Crocus banaticus, Acanthus hungaricus and Fuchsia, while some other popular flowers grown on the land are Saponaria Bellifolia, Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uvaursi), Govalciuc, Lilac, Peony, Rose, Marguerite or Daisy, Tulip, Dahlia, Lily, and Mac (Poppy).

    This is pretty much what i could find. Very little info (and I am not surprised) about Romanian flora.

    No greenhouse. The potted plants I have either hibernate at my parents house in a cool and dar environment or on my windowsill or my balcony(in my apartment. The balcony is enclosed (windows) so it doesn't freeze, but temps could be quite low.
    And that's where I start part of my seeds, too.
    No part of my apartment is sunny. I get very little sun in the summer - in the morning. Windows are kinda facing north.

    In Romania, we tend to have brugmansias in pots or transplanted in the flower garden and in late fall lift them/pot them and store them in basements, garages, cellars, wherever we can... they grow sooo big in one season.
    Or just take cuttings and start all over again :D
    Bodhi likes this.
  16. Bodhi

    Bodhi Seedling

    Jan 9, 2011
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    S. FL
    It all sounds so enchanting Calin. What beautiful images of forests your words conjure up. Are you close enough to forests to where in summers you can wander through them and admire all the lovely flowers and trees growing there? When I was kid, we lived right at edge of a great hardwood forest that went on for miles. I spent most of my time there and it's probably where I developed my love of nature.

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