My Clematis have never bloomed this early before. Last fall the Snow Queens didn't bloom until almost the first freeze we had. Snow Queen Clematis 4/11/10 ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) I have forgotten the name of this one but it's pretty even without a name. It is climbing up my windmill out back and is about to be literally covered with blooms. 1 of 4 purple Clematis blooms ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) 2 of 4 ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) 3 of 4 ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) 4 of 4 with lots more buds waiting. ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden ) My oldest grandson doing his second favorite thing, his first favorite thing is sword practice... My older indoor bloom : ) ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )
They are beautiful! and i can imagine the color on the purple clementis. Looks like they are going to be eye popping bold when it is all bloomed out. Your indoor bloom is the most beautiful tho,,,, (okay handsome, don't tell him i said beautiful)
Gosh those clematis are early!! They are really lovely and my favourite colours too. :-D I have a feeling that your indoor bloom is going to be even more handsome as it matures.
I thought they were earlier than normal, I hope they don't run out of energy early and stop blooming. My indoor bloom is 14 1/2 yrs old and is as polite as he is gorgeous.....a combo that will appeal to teenage girls and their parents.
Lovely blooms! That grandson of yours sounds like a dream of a son-in-law. My middle daughter's 12 this year...
I love your blooms.I just moved all of my clemantis and as I was putting the last one in the ground the small tree swallow was making noise over my head to let me know he was back and wanted me to get away from his nesting area. Handsome indoor bloom you have there....
Just gorgeous...especially the older, indoor bloom. I have lots of green and a few buds, wont be long with this beautiful weather