I'm not at all familiar with that flower Barb... It's really neat looking. The first pic of the inside of the bloom is really striking. You have a wide variety of Neat things growing, don't you?
Barb, they are so beautiful and exotic looking blooms. I had one years ago...I seem to remember a very strong fragrance from the bloom. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks gfre Take up lots of room indoors , I almost dumped it . Did start new cuttings. ROots easily. barb
WOW! What a beaut. I have a little plant that is similar. A little worried that it will get so big. Does it only bloom on new leaves or on old? If I go to chopping on it would like to get lucky and maybe get flowers. You did good!
Thanks Jewell, They only bloomed on one side of the plant. New leaves on an old branch. I started some new ones to experiement . Will see what happens to that. Today is shrunk to a straight rope like. b