People, please be careful when using Round-Up. It has something called Glyphosate in it. I did a dumb thing and was not careful and got some of the concentrate on my hands. Although I washed it off within a few minutes, within hours I became ill and I mean very ill. I have migraines and anyone who has ever had one knows what a headache is. This was so much worse and I was unable to keep anything down for 36 hours. Had severe muscle spasms in my neck also. It was horrid. Can't say with absolute certainty that is what it was but could not come up with any other reason for being so ill. I knew better but I just don't think sometimes. I am banned from almost everything by hubby so I guess I'll just spend my time on my computer till I'm "un-grounded"
DesertFlower I have had roundup all over my hand and never got sick.I wonder if your just allergic to it?
I don't know Glenda. I am ultra sensitive to some chemicals. I can't even wear perfume. It may nat have been that at all, but just a coincidence. I just didn't know that chemical was so bad for animals and humans till I looked it up to see what the symptoms are. And it wasn't very much for very long so who knows. I have something wrong with my neck anyway and maybe it had to do with that instead.
Poor thing! I've had rashes and a little dizziness from certain chemicals, but that sounds really serious. Maybe you should see a doctor. At least promise us you'll wear elbow gloves until you get it all figured out!
I did see a Dr. today after I had a mri on my neck and I asked him about it and he said it could have been but he wasn't sure either. He didn't seem overly concerned about it being the Round-UP. Gave me some muscle relaxers and stuff for vomiting but I was over that part today. Anyway...I will be more careful from now on.
Poor you. Thank goodness you're over the worst of your illness now. Chemicals can affect different people in many different ways so it could very well have been the Round-up that affected you so badly. I'm very sensative to a lot of chemicals too so that's one of the reasons why I'm a completely organic gardener.