This is my Grandson LoganWith a smile. Big brother and little brother. We love our Dad. I think they are cuties.
Good pictures Glenda. They really are cuties. I like those shirts. Richie will have a good Father's Day with the two of them. Dooley
Thank You everyone .Heather called me about an hour ago at the ER Trey turn a wooden ottaman over on Logan it hit his head and chest thing is heavy.She will call me as soon as he is seen by the Dr. Heather called said since Logan has no breathing problem and his little head isn't swelling.He thought he was ok as he is so small to have to do a cat scan unless they have to.To watch him close and if he stars acting different to bring him back to the ER.He does have a red spot on his head.
I'll keep my fingers tightly crossed that Logan is all right Glenda. It gives you such a fright when accidents like this happen to children when they are so small. Give my love to Heather won't you and tell her I think of her often.
Wonderful photos of your handsome fellows! :-D Poor little Logan, and Trey too, I'll bet he felt just awful about the accident! Boys will be boys, eh? I guess there will be lots of rough-and-tumble in the years to come . . . but not just yet please, it makes grandma nervous.
You have good looking grandsonsI I hope Logan and Trey both recover quickly.Mom and Dad, too. Wannabe
I think I have aged 10 years overnight! Logan is just fine and Trey is still scared. I hope he has learned his lesson! We are doing good..I have pictures of my roses..just have to find the time to post them!
Yep, You kids will age parents quiet a bunch. Take care of my babies and don't grow to old to fast. Your grandaddy always said you never pay for your raising until you raise your own kids.
Isn't there a saying, "Wait until you have kids of your own". I think I remember my mom saying that and I bet somewhere back a few years that I might have said it too. Dooley