I had made a few contraption to save my brinjals but lost the photos in the same SD card that I had with the worms ...sigh!!! Anyway way they all did not work and I think this might help a little at least I will have more time to get the broom and chase them the cage! ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) I hope my egg plant doesn't mind being caged. Moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
Do you need bells attached to warn you of their arrival or are the monkeys loud? Would not work for our local critters unless you electrified it in some way. One gentle zap and the racoons and possums think twice about trying I'll gooey gains. The dogs avoid it also after a single shocking startle. I left the electric fencer off all summer and the memory of its zap kept all but the little birds from swimming and eating in our pond.
I hope it helps. Is the bottom buried or staked down really tight? I would hate to see a monkey just slip in from the bottom. Maybe bells would help alert you and maybe scare them off?
Now is the time to think like a troop of monkeys and approach the barrier with the thought of getting by the deterrent. I presume the top is securely wired to the sides. How many monkeys are in the troop? Jerry
Thanks Jewell, no bell is needed. The plant is just beside the living room and I can see it right now. I would love to put up electric fence around the whole perimeter of the garden if I can. Sad to say there is no supplier of those contraption here. Thanks Cherylad and no the bottom is not buried or staked down, I want it to be portable so that I can harvest the brinjals when they are ready. I don't think they are able or know how to lift it. Jerry there are about more than 20 of them in a troop. The barrier is something they can see and I hope that it is enough to keep them away because there are many places nearby in the neighbourhood they can raid without any barrier. I have another secret weapon that they cannot see. hehehe!!! ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) I can drop them from upstairs without them knowing when they try to figure out how to overcome the barrier.
I like the firecracker idea, especially dropping them from upstairs. A high voltage system can be engineered by a modifying and incorporating a bug zapper. Jerry
Good idea on the "bombs". I bet after just one dose of those, those monkeys will look elsewhere for their treats. I try to keep firecrackers on hand to chase away crows or blackbirds. Or stray dogs. But my dog is so scared of the noise I don't do it often.
To date I do not have the opportunity to make use of the firecrackers yet. I have kept the firecrackers just beside the window on the upper floor facing the garden ready to go. Thanks Jerry, I can imagine it like a B-52 zeroing in on its target. Do you have the instruction on how to modify a bug zapper into a monkey zapper? I can get a bug zapper easily here. This is interesting and I want to try it. Thanks Cherylad.