I think that every seed i touch dies before i even get it into dirt!! I got some mix wildflowers and a lot of zinias (sp) that i threw down last fall, and none of them sprouted. I also thru down some that I had (Because i thought it was the winter killing them) so i threw them down in spring... still... nothing!!! How do you get seeds to grow w/out a green house?? Im bummed about this!! I want flowers .. and now all my seeds are all gone and wasted ):
Sarah, don't fret about your seeds. Seeds are cheap in comparison to buying plants and you still have time to start over. Zinnia's are a hot weather plant, don't give up on them yet. You really almost can not kill them. In your area they just might surprise you by coming up before the end of May. The wildflower seeds you scattered last year might not be native to your area no matter what the package said. Concentrate on Oklahoma natives this coming fall and you should be okay. In the meantime, find a local nursery that specializes in native or adapted plants and start there.
Wildflower mixes are more a marketing thing in a lot of cases than very growable by most people. Get some more zinnia seeds. Now that the weather is settled they should sprout right up. I have seeds for the large flowered tall zinnias. They are a mix of colors. The seeds are very viable because they are already up here. Pm and I'll send you some if you like. 8)
wow thanks !! I guess i was just so excited since my roses were blooming like crazy that I was expecting the other seeds to start sprouting. Ok, ill do my best to be patient. I would love seeds! again, i dont have any more now but who knows, maybe they will come up. Do i just throw them down? or do i have to sprinkle dirt on them?
I'll put them in the mail tomorrow. Put a little dirt to just cover them and give them a sprinkle of water. 8)