I was thinking of Clamatis when we get my windmill up but I'd like to find a vine that blooms all summer. Any ideas?
That's gorgeous. I know I'm not your sister....but I have the exact same Clematis climbing up and blooming on a windmill too. Mine is still recuperating from last years heat and drought so it's not as full of blooms as in past years but it's getting there. Campsis radicans (Trumpet Creeper, Trumpet Vine) Humulus lupulus (Common Hops) Fallopia baldschuanica Silver Lace Vine Passiflora affinis (Passion Flower) There are some Clematis vines that bloom later in the season... Clematis 'Ernest Markham'
Very pretty one! My Miss Bateman will bloom early May I think. I am receiving 3 more (an order with some other members of the Romanian gardening forum - all the way from Poland). In 2 days I will get them and I will run to my garden and plant them.
Here we jokingly call them "Mailbox flower" since so many folks plant them on a rural mailbox post, where they seem to be happy. I had one at my old place, pretty. Then after I was there a while I found a wild one growing in a fence. Tiny white flowers in multitudes and those same hairy-looking seed pods. Be careful if you transplant clematis, the vines are very brittle.