Naked ladies/ surprise lily

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by margie12u, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. margie12u

    margie12u In Flower

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Hi everyone I been down with my back for about a week now I'm a little better but I have a question I hope you can help someone gave me about 20 naked ladies today would it be ok to wait a few days to plant them? I thought I would feel better in a couple of days. If not what about tomorrow? If I have to I guess I will I really don't want to loose them. I've been in bed for days hurting so bad with my back I thought I would never be able to stand straight again, But it a little better now.

    Its good to be back
    Thank you so much Margie :stew2:
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  3. kuntrygal

    kuntrygal Texas Rose

    Sep 3, 2007
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    Texas ~ Zone 8
    Margie I am sorry to hear of you back problems. I know exactly what you mean. I have back problems as well. Seems as if you back controls everything you do or are not able to do. :-x

    I can't give any advice about holding off on your planting. I am sure someone will be along shortly that knows.

    Hope you get to feeling much better and we are glad to see you back on the stew. :stew1:
  4. nicolettedesign

    nicolettedesign New Seed

    Jun 3, 2009
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    In my experience, naked ladies are very tough flowers, and won't die that easily. Waiting a few days should be fine.

    So sorry about your back. Hope you get better soon.
  5. Palustris

    Palustris Young Pine

    Jan 10, 2006
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    I presume you mean Colchicum? Then in that case you may wait as long as you need to before planting them. We have often bought them from Garden centres and so on after they have flowered in the packet and planted them out then. They flower from the bulb and then grow roots and leaves well afterwards, replacing the original bulb. The leaves of some of the bigger species and forms are a bit floppy and intrusive in Spring and summer so plant them in well drained soil in a spot where the leaves will not overshadow other things. We have most of ours round the bases of trees. The trees act as pumps, so that the dormant bulbs do not get waterlogged in Summer.

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