discovered some volunteers in my garden today - some tomatos and either cuc, zucc or pumpkin ... anyone want to guess? the weird thing is that it appeared in my raised bed that I grew only tomatos in - I can't imagine how it found its way in there... ( photo / image / picture from bhapimama's Garden )
Mmmm it's quite difficult to say at this early stage. It does look a lot like the sunflower seedlings that grow from the seeds the birds deposit in my garden though. Maybe you should leave it for a while and see what develops. :-?
Looks like the sunflowers I have coming up too. Birds plant almost as many seeds as gardeners do, but they aren't nearly as particular as to where they plant them as gardeners are.
I just assume that most of the volunteers in my garden get planted in there when I add compost. I've been pulling up most things as weeds. I planted three kind of winter squash last year. Who knows what the volunteers might be? I have a neighbor who only plants one variety of things like winter squash or cucumbers so she can let some of her volunteers grow.
I was totally thinking squash or cuc or pumpkin too, but was perplexed by the fact that it popped up in my raised bed that I have only grown tomatoes in. I haven't spread any compost yet so it couldn't have gotten in there that way - I'm thinkin' the sunflower theory might just be it. I did have several sunflowers in the garden last year and there were lots of seeds around that I'm sure the birdies were snackin' on I also discovered some near where I had cucs, zucs, pumpkins & gourds last year - they're in the "in-ground" part of my garden - and they look slightly different than the one in the tomato bed. I'm going to have to rescue them before I till next weekend. one of the other ones in another part of my garden ( photo / image / picture from bhapimama's Garden )
Hi bhapimama, I still think you have a squash in the first picture. Can you take a new picture and let us see it. The second one is definately a squash, you can see the seed casing on the cotelyden. I don't think either one is a cuke though.
you're right - I hadn't noticed the seed casing. so I guess we'll just have to wait to see if its a pumpkin or a zucchini ... or perhaps a gourd... As for the other one - the one in the raised bed - i'll take another pic in a couple days
here are the new pics - whatdya' think? sunflower volunteer? ( photo / image / picture from bhapimama's Garden ) mystery squash volunteers ( photo / image / picture from bhapimama's Garden )