This is Native Plant Week here in Texas. With all the gardening challenges we face, sometimes native plants are the saving of our flower gardens! Evening primrose ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden ) Evening primroses make a nice grouping, and cedar sage will grow in dense shade (found under ashe junipers "cedars" in the wild). Our garden has lots of natives, appreciated by pollinators, birds, and the gardener. Even if you aren't in Texas, think about your native plants when you need something for a difficult spot! Cedar sage ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden )
Native plant week, what a nice idea. I like your native plants a lot. Ours are not so decorative I'm afraid.
After the summer we just had I am going to be giving the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center website a lot of my computer time this fall and winter. I just hope I can find a vendor for the natives I want.
I've been adding more native plants to my yard the past few years. Here is my source in Ontario