Neoregelia carolinae? Climbing bromeliad hot pink centre

Discussion in 'Plant ID' started by Snap, Dec 23, 2011.

  1. Snap

    Snap Seedling

    Mar 12, 2011
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    Near Brisbane, Australia
    Neoregelia carolinae? This bromeliad climbs up trees and along the ground, throwing out hard woody stems with new pups on the ends.

    Can anyone put a name to it, or give me propagation tips? I have huge clusters of them growing, some have the hot pink centre, some do not.

    When does the hot pink centre develop, on old or new growth? I've never paid much attention to them as they're very hardy (don't need any attention) and are in remote parts of the yard...and I'm lazy. :D

    A few weeks ago I stuck a few of them in a basket and attached them to a palm and they've already started sending out new shoots.

    ( photo / image / picture from Snap's Garden )
  2. chocolate

    chocolate In Flower

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Hi,a good example and photo, they grow wild here, if they are dropped in a corner and forgotten they love it.It is definitely not neoregelia carolinea, it is called neoregelia mcwilliamsii.The large mother plant with the red centre is 'flowering' it will have tiny blue/purple flowers in the centre, if there are any off shoots[pups] then you can cut the mother plant off but keep the pups intact on the branch which the mother was on.They cannot be killed really, but dont cut mother plant off till there are pups showing, they are the flowers next time.Tie them to a tree and they just smile and grow up...usually.The red centre should start to colour up just before winter.In the full sun the red colour becomes more vivid,they have no prickles like some of the other broms.They go to the tip/dump here by the trailer load, they really are prolific growers, great ground cover.

    Up rock walls. ( photo / image / picture from chocolate's Garden )

    In the front of shadehouse. ( photo / image / picture from chocolate's Garden )

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