New from Northern New York

Discussion in 'Welcome to GardenStew' started by member14874, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. member14874

    member14874 New Seed

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Hello GardenStew members. My name is Wendy and I am a novice gardener for my area. I am originally from Florida, but everyone in Fl thinks they have a green thumb when really it's the tropical climate that is why the plants grow so well. Anyhow, I started a bunch of veggies the first week of February. I was told from another fellow new yorker that I started the big ones too early. Anyway, it's too late now cause so far, from that batch, I have 4 Dills, 1 Romaine, 1 Acorn Sq, 1 spinach, 7 Brocolli, 5 Yellow Sq, 9 Zuchini, 12 watercress, 5 Canteloupe, 12 Tomatoes, 6 Cucumbers, 6 Oregano, and 6 Thymes. No gr beans or corn would start, so I guess that is goo6d, because I hear those are better off being sown in the ground when it's warm enough to plant. Anyway, I am running out of room under our 3 shop lights for the larger ones, so I have had to move them to the kitchen under cabinet lighting, and over head lighting in there, so I could lower the 3 shop lights down to the new ones which is mostly flowers, but also Jalapenos, and carrots. We plan to make a raised bed on the sunniest side of the house to plant everything, but still have a while yet before we can safely do that. Anyhow, I have 3 shop lights with 6 T12 flouresants and a fan on low blowing over the plants. I am hoping to learn more about gardening here and am glad I found you. Sincerely; Wendy Stephany
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  3. Annette

    Annette Seedling

    Mar 10, 2007
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    buffalo, ny
    hello, wendy.....i am a new yorker as well, i'll have to look at a map to see how far you are, my grandmother hails from carthage/watertown area, and my nephew is currently attending clarkson university. are you near those areas? anyway, welcome to the garden stew. hope you will find, as i have, this is a wonderful place for all things, and everyone is very helpful. i can only imagine how different gardening in your new home will be from your florida gardening, but i'm sure you will get the hang of it...i think this has been a very different year, weather wise, but your new neighbors can be a valuable resource in figuring out your new gardening zone.....happy digging!! :-D
  4. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Hi Wendy and welcome. Yep, you are a lillte early with a lot of your plants, but thats ok. Some of them you may need to start over with, such as the squash, zukes, cantelopes and cukes. All the others should do ok though. The broccoli and spinach can get hardened off and put out in the garden. It will handle the cold just fine. The peppers and toms may get a little large, but that won't hurt them.
  5. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Hi Wendy, welcome to GardenStew from north Texas.
    Don't worry about starting the seeds early, you will figure out the weather/planting schedule as you live up there longer.

    I lived in south Florida many years ago, yeah the great growing conditions down there do create a lot of false hopes of having a great green thumb. But after being there 5 years and watching untreated fence posts along Military Trail grow into small trees, I figured out that my great plants had very, very little to do with my ability ;)

    Glad you joined us, wander around and enjoy all that GardenStew is an addicting place.

  6. member14874

    member14874 New Seed

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Thank you for replying so fast, yall. I have lived here in Gouverneur, NY for over 10 years now, but this is my first year to plow a plot. Last year we planted everything in pots, except for the 4 earth boxes my husband got for me. Gouverneur is between Watertown and Massena.
    The area we plan to plant is a narrow long strip about the length of our house along the sidewalk. I am digging up the purple iris's being they needed separating since I planted them 5 yrs ago. They will go back in along the foundation of the house once we turn over the soil and separate the rhisomes. I am not worried if they will bloom again this year because this is the first chance I have to get them done. We still have to remove the grass there and till before putting down any wood frames. We don't have alot of money to put into it, so will prolly use scrap wood from garage and buy whatever we don't have at the lumber store. I am hoping we can rent a tiller for a weekend and hope to have it ready before May 15th. It will be interesting to so what grows, but I do think I will need to put the cukes, squashes, and zuchini and cantaloupe in from seed again if I want to get a decent crop. What we can't fit in the bed, we plan to make our own growing boxes from totes with pvc pipe, sewer pipes, and tiebacks which I bought the plans for from a gf of mine in Fl. It will be interesting to see how well things grow this year, because last year I had 2 garden projects 13 miles away from eachother, and half the summer was spent there working when it ended abruptly when my gf's bf decided he was selling out and she had to leave. Anyway, we tried to save what we could, and brought all the leftovers to my house. Anyway, am looking forward to more conversations with some of you from my area... will reply back asap if anyone else replies...thanks; WendyS.
  7. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Welcome from SE Texas. Sounds like you've been busy and will even get busier getting your veggies all settled in. Hope you show us some photos of the "fruits of your labor".
  8. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Wendy a big happy hello from Wisconsin. You sound like you have been pretty busy with all of your plantings. This is a great community with lots and lots of friendly, helpful folks. Glad your here. Looking forward to seeing pic's of your gardens.
  9. donna in nc

    donna in nc In Flower

    Feb 6, 2012
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    hudson nc
    welcome wendy from the NC foothills you will love it here everyone is so helpful and friendly grap a cup of coffee and sit back and relax while you read have a green thumb day
  10. donm

    donm In Flower

    Oct 23, 2011
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    Selinsgrove, PA
    Hi and welcome from PA.

  11. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
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    eastern washington
    welcome to garden stew wendy!
  12. Jerry Sullivan

    Jerry Sullivan Garden Experimenter Plants Contributor

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Chelmsford MA
    Hi Wendy, welcome to Gardenstew from Chelmsford, MA. Well, an ambitious endeavor starting your plants in February. You will probably learn more from your efforts than if you planted with a different timetable. With gardeners from around the world, when you need help or advice, it's a few clicks away. There is always something interesting happening in the 'stew'. Good luck with your new garden and if the hoe feels a little lighter, that's just us. The friendliest group of gardeners on the internet. Welcome aboard.

  13. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I'm so pleased you've joined us here at GardenStew Wendy. A warm welcome from Scotland in the UK this time. I have a feeling you're going to fit in here just fine. :stew2:
  14. member14874

    member14874 New Seed

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Wow!! I am impressed! hehehe Thanks for saying hello. I dug the rest of the iris's out today. Tomarrow, I get to sift white rocks and weeds and hoping to find a friend to help me till the ground. We are having a mock summer here right now and I don't trust it. LOL aint nothin is gonna last long around here it's too good to be true! I will hold on a while longer to put much out though I plan to sunbathe them for an hour or two if the temp is good. Feels good to get them roots balls all broken up into singles. I got spoiled in Florida I guess and well I got cabin fever and couldn't resist the temptation of seeing green things growing around me. I was even excited to dig the yard up for dog poop last weekend believe it or not... and the raking... Still got the other half left to rake and pickup from winter... will do that on the weekend we hope. Nice to meet yall... anyway... Thanks again for the welcomes... and will post as I can between being outside and in, again... thank god.
  15. Edlou8181

    Edlou8181 Seedling

    May 1, 2011
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    Bellmawr NJ

    Welcome from the garden state of New Jersey

    My Balcony ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

    My Balcony ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

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