hi everyone! im new to flower gardening and want to plant some this spring. does anyone have seeds and bulbs & etc.. they'd share with me? thanks!!
Hi, How about telling us where in the U.S. you are, that will determine what kind of plants you can grow. Being new to gardening you don't want plants that you have to 'baby' because they are not hardy in your area. Do you want sun or shade plants, do you have a color preference. Any thing you are alergic to?
i live in kentucky. im more attracted to blues, purples, yellows, and reds. but im not too particular either! i have mostly sunny spaces, but some shade too, so either is fine
If you will send me 2 postage stamps I will send you some seeds I have that will do well in that area. Email me and I will give you my address if this is something you would like?
Be sure and put in a note reminding me of what the postage is for I do forget some times. And it helps me find you on my list. Gayla Schmidt P.O.Box 300566 Glenwood, UT 84730-0566