New to Gardenias

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by BudSprout, May 29, 2008.

  1. BudSprout

    BudSprout New Seed

    May 29, 2008
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    Yukon, Oklahoma
    Hello Everyone,

    I have been dying to plant some gardenias in my garden but I am a bit apprehensive because I have heard so many horror stories about how difficult it is to maintain them.
    I live in Oklahoma where we do get some pretty gusty winds and in the summer some intense heat. Also, this past winter we had a pretty nasty ice storm. From what I've read these conditions sound like a big no-no (?).
    I was going to plant one or two in the area next to my azaleas which get morning sun then shade in the afternoon and are on the east facing part of the house which generally blocks some of the wind. Would this help? Or might I be better off planting a gardenia in a pot and bringing it in in the winter?
    I would love to have some gardenias around here but I would hate to be disappointed by killing it. Any suggestions? Thanks bunches everyone!
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