A white lilly that just opened. Even though it is 3 years old, this is the first it has bloomed. The rabbits kept nipping it off before it could bloom. A lilly that we transplanted to the bank at the driveway. Part of the mock orange hedge that we got mulched this morning. the other line of mock orange. Remember the Autumn Joy that I transplanted earlier in the spring? Here they are 3 months later. They are now about 2 ft tall.
Love that pink Lily Capt. Boy, that sure was a good pruning on those Mock Orange's! I'll bet they grow back quickly though.
WOW that Autumn Joy has certainlt taken off hasn't it? I love that beautiful white lily you have. I hope the rabbits leave it alone and let you enjoy it's flower.
Nice lilies. I really like the tidy look of your pruned and mulched mock-orange hedge. Please don't show those autumn joys in bloom for many months yet. We're still in late spring here, temperature wise.
Niiiiiice, very nice-- That Mock Orange hedge: is it situated strategically so that the fragrance will be caught and be carried upon the wind in your direction?
Capt, I really like the way you plant large groups of the same plant. With your large spaces, they look great.