new year resolution, a greener planet.

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by i love bugs, Dec 15, 2005.

  1. i love bugs

    i love bugs The Weatherman of Craggy Island

    Dec 2, 2005
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    Dublin Ireland
    :smt111 Every year around this time I try to set myslf objectives to make the world a more envoirnmentaly friendly place. These are not major things, for instance in our house there are five people,this year from Jan 1 to today we have left out 10 bags of rubbish. we achieve this firstly by trying not to bring home waste , then recycling , i.e. composting,
    seperating bottles cans paper .Overnight the government changed the law and slapped a tax of 15 cents on every plastic bag used from a shop. instantly everyone started to use old style shopping bags, this also had the effect of concentrating peoples minds on the envoirnment. A greener planet starts with you not your neighbour .For a better quality of life , relax go for a walk , do some gardening, look at the birds and maybe even the bugs ;)
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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    I like your resolutions George. I love seperating stuff and putting everything into its approriate bin or place. It makes me feel good to do my part. There is so much waste in the world today. Nowadays I get annoyed about the least little un-environmentally friendly things.

    I'd love someday to have a solar-panelled roof and wind turbines but I think we are quite behind the game in Ireland. You've gotta love the charge they put on the plastic bags though. That was a great move.

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