I started to put this article in the Plant ID section, but then decided not to as it is a feature story. I thought this was amazing! http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/09/10/new.yo ... topstories
Interesting story. does anyone have any idea as to what the plant is? I am not familiar with it nor does it remind me of anything in particular.
What a great story. I believe this is Privet Honeysuckle, or Lonicera pileata, one of the plants mentioned in the ID of the article, based on the size of leaves, and the unusual colored berry. The winter flowering Jasmine has no leaves when it flowers.
@Karrma: I looked it up, and you are definitely on the money. This means it is a shrub instead of an office plant. . . As bad as the explosion was, I bet the impact could have knocked it out of the ground where it had been previously planted!
SongofJoy57: What a great story. There is also the tree that is now 30ft tall that survived that tragedy. I was watching the special this morning of Ground Zero and the Memorial waterfalls they built in the foot prints of the Twin Towers. :'( It was so sad but inspiring, to see something that beautiful come out of all that tragedy. I hope to visit it one day with my honey.