I just realized that I am missing a good chunk of my flower pictures. I'm not sure what happened to them, but it probably had something to do with moving them around a lot. They might be somewhere in my hard-drive, but I don't even know where to look. There are a lot of pictures in there and its going to take a while to find them. Luckily, if I cannot find them, I uploaded most of them to GardenStew Plants so I can get them back from there if I can't find them first. :-? moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
If you labeled them, search for a unique word in the title. Don't empty the trash till you find the pictures. Of course there is always the backup.........backup, you do have a backup, yes? Jerry
I do...or did. I have an external hard-drive, my computer, and my USB drive. I just bought a new computer and transferred the files from my old computer to the external. I had a backup copy on both the external and the USB. Since the USB was easier to use than the external, whenever I had a new flower picture, I would add it to the USB. When the USB finally filled up, I planned on transferring the new pictures to the hard drive to back them up, and because I had some more new pics on my new computer that I wanted to add to the external as well. Somewhere in between, I lost an unknown number of pictures. I don't know what happened.
I recently backed up all my documents to CDs. I hadn't done it in a year. I need to remind myself to do it at least every 3-4 months.
OH NO....I lost pictures when I had picasa when I quit using it...anything I put into a grouping left the album for some reason. I do back mine up with a click free every couple months but even with that I would loose the pictures in between if something happened... Good luck in finding them..
What ever you do, do not save anything on to your hard drive where your pictures are. Even if you have wiped them off occidentally , they can be retrieved unless they have been written over. There is a free program on the Internet which will recover data from hard drives. I will try and find the address if you need it. Also there is a free program called Everything from http://www.voidtools.com/ which is a far far better search facility for Windows 7 than the one provided. All you would need to put in is .jpg and this program will list all the ones on your hard drives and tell you where they are.
THANK YOU, PALUSTRIS!!! I used the Everything program and found all the missing pictures. Apparently they were right where I left them because I just make a backup from an older backup and not from the original. Thank you again!!!
so glad you found your pic's. I always burn a CD so I have a copy of my Pic's if something were to happen. But I am really lack's on making a back up CD of anything else.
As a group, we thrive on other people's pictures. I'll bet a lot of people breathed a sigh of relief that you found your pictures. Glad they are safe. Jerry
Glad to be of service. I know how galling it is to lose pictures. The developing company lost a whole film of ours and it contained images of the development work we did here and so was irreplaceable Pre digital camera days,
Congrats Flowerfreak! Who would have thought that you could get computer help on this gardening website! FYI everybody: my husband has a program installed on my computer that automatically backs it up to our desk top on a nightly basis. Of course, I doubt the desk top is being backed up....