While out in the yard today (at 60 degrees) I found this little tree already in bud! Unsure what it is but I'm sure it's in for a rude awakening! In Bud in January ( photo / image / picture from okietriker's Garden )
I have a white magnolia in leaf bud Okietriker and today we've had snow. We now have freezing temperatures so I hope it will survive the rest of the winter. Fingers crossed that your tree will too.
Sure hope it's spared from any serious damage. Poor plants... this winter/spring/winter is really throwing them for a loop1
Oops! A very confused tree. I think more problems of this nature will materialize as weather patterns shift and their normal timing changes. Plants have to deal with the consequences. Unfortunately some plants and trees will never have that opportunity as they surrender to the adverse conditions. We as caretakers of plants and trees we will have to be more vigilant. Jerry
I've been noticing in my area (Littleton, CO) that trees have been looking like they are ready to bud too. It's very strange, should be an interesting spring. We've had more snow than typical this winter and it has been very cold and then sort of warm (60s) several times this winter. I've also noticed that when the snow has finally melted off our lawn there's still some green grass under there, where it's typically 100% dead grass until the first blades sprout in spring. Very different this winter!