Yesterday, I finished weeding and trimming the plants on the corner of the driveway and today I transplanted various treasures from other areas on the property. I transplanted 2 yellow striped yuccas, a few ferns, a big blue hosta and a very happy hydrangea! I love hydrangea and when we moved here 4 years ago I planted one in a sunny area with what looked like irises. They were irises and one bloomed but within a week the leaves filled in and the area was total shade. The hydrangea disappeared. This year I saw it making a valiant effort with a few leaves. Today, I moved it to a place where it should get at least a half day of sun. FIngers crossed, I hope it thrives!
I have a small hydrangea that was given to me last year. A friend gave it to me because her husband kept mowing it over, and it was very small. It is now taller than my violets and seems to be doing very well. I had been worried that he made a bonzai plant out of it. No pictures yet. It has sent up a new shoot next to it, and has tripled its leaves so far. I can't wait to see what color it will be.
Isn't it funny how resilient plants are, NightOwl? In my last house, it wasn't until our lawn-mower broke that a bleeding heart popped up behind the garage. As I was admiring it, my neighbor told me that he tried to tell my husband for three years! I asked my husband and he said that he had no idea what the man was saying! (this man had a strong mountain accent, which even locals have a time understanding!)
Here are the photos of my first project! Next the maibox garden across the driveway! ... -driveway/
Very nice. I know how much work you did there. In fact, I am sure we all do at Gardenstew. Barb in Pa.
Thank you Barb, It was a lot of work! Every day I am able to work about one hour more! Today I was out there for five hours, the time just flew! A week ago I was crawling back to the house after an hour LOL It's so hard to restrain yourself in the spring and not to plant too close, I had to remind myself that it would fill in! Next weekend we cross the driveway to do the mailbox garden! Which includes a new mailbox! That should be really funny! It is a cast iron behemoth we found at a Restore auction, it must weight a ton! and needs to be buried at least 2 feet! My husband is not muscluar, he's a skinny programmer but he always tries...