Hi. Pic of Bluebell woods at last address. Their numbers much less down here where we are but still beautiful. Syd. ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )
There's nothing to compare with a bluebell wood in spring is there? We have some here and they're always a joy to visit. :-D
Hi Eileen - Frank. For sure Bluebells are a number one favourite with most folks - especially en masse in an also attractive wood. May be the same with Eileen up in Scotland but down here in Essex and Suffolk their numbers are far less now and in many places (if not all) the English ones are being edged out by the Spanish variety - these not quite the same thing though also beautiful. In a couple of weeks I shall be 81 yrs and very happy that I have still a very good memory of my younger days when most of the woods were more or less an all over carpet of blue - hedge bottoms and wood margins with Primroses and Cowslips a plenty - these also very very scarce now down here. I love Yorkshire as a County and had several holidays there - totally different life pattern to here - more relaxed generally and masses of all of these plants still about - even Primroses along the roads grass verges. Those years ago times were harder for sure and a world war to live through but progress or no progress for my money nature was in a far healthier state then than now - also a much better attitude about. Apart from plants the hedgerows and bushes everywhere had many birds nests in them. I do shed silent tears over it all now. Thanks. Best wishes. Syd. PS. Have a pic somewhere of Primroses in Yorkshire - if I can find will attach to this. ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )