This is Chionodoxa luciliae Valentine's Day. So called because it is supposed to flower by that date. Also now Scilla luciliae. Scilla luciliae Valentine's Day ( photo / image / picture from Palustris's Garden )
Wow! Now that's a flower to put on the 'would like to have' list. Does it grow on this side of the pond? Jerry
Certainly it would grow in most places, it has survived out in the garden for the last 5 or so years and we have had some pretty low (down to -18c.) temps over the last 3 years.
Yes, it used to be Chionodoxa but now they have moved it into Scilla. The normal form of it flowers later, say end of this month.
Mine bloomed last year around March 26 (that's when the photo was taken). Yours seems to be a little blue-er!