Only clothing store is closing

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by 2ofus, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    Our town has a population of around 3,000 and is 60 miles from a larger shopping area. We do have an Alco store but it is closing Jan.10th. It is like a mini Walmart. Now there will be a 60 mile trip just to buy a shirt! We have 2 grocery stores, 2 pharmacies, 2 hardware stores, and a number of other stores but no clothing stores. How many people live in smaller towns that seem to be getting smaller and smaller?
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  3. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    When we lived about 50 miles south of here, in a town of about 9,000 people, there were two clothing stores, a hardware store, an auto repair/tire store, and a drugstore. All but one clothing shop and the drug store are gone.
    However, the small town about five miles from us with a population of about 6,000 has two pharmacies, a dress shop, a hardware store, an auto supply store, and a Western Auto that supplies just about everything practical that you'd need. There's also a feed store, three restaurants, as well as a large grocery, all within walking distance of each other. There is a sprinkling of insurance agencies, three banks, and beauty salons. Some downtowns survive, and others don't and I can't figure out why :shrug: . If anything, this small town is growing, at least commercially.
  4. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I don't know why the only clothing store in your area is closing but I do hope that someone sets up a new clothing outlet for you soon.
    Our village doesn't have many shops but we do have a large centre a couple of miles away from us. I don't like shopping for clothes so tend to do it over the internet these days.
  5. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Well, I live in one of the largest cities in the world, with a population of almost 24 million now (and a density of about 6,000 people per square kilometer). Thus making Karachi the 2nd most populated city in the world!

    So Karachi city is the center of banking, industry, economic activity plus trade, and is home to Pakistan's largest corporations. Which include those involved in textiles, shipping, automotive industry, entertainment, arts and fashion fashion, advertising, publishing, software development, and medical research too. The city is also a hub of higher education in South Asia and the Muslim world.

    So there is absolutely no shortage of any kind of store here.

    But exactly like Eileen, many people (myself included) rather do our shopping online. Mostly because online prices are lower then what you'll find in a retail shop. But also because I personally hate to fight traffic in a city as large as mine. However aside from that, Karachi is also the 10th most violent city to live in. With a murder rate of 12.3 per 100,000 residents...

    So realistically speaking, who wants to go to a store, when we can get the same thing while seated inside the comfort of our own homes? Plus we get everything online at a far lower price!

    But on a different note, if the store in your area is closing. And if you think many more people feel the same way you do about it - Then I actually see this as an opportunity to start your own clothing store business! So if there is a demand, you fill it, and also make a pile of money in the process! 8)

  6. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    My small town has limited shopping as well. We have 2 grocery stores, lumber store, hardward store, 3 gas stations, post office, a few hair salons, 3 convenience stores, florist, 2 pharmacy's, and 2 tiny womans clothing boutiques. We also have MANY restaurants, more than any one town needs in my opinion. What is lacking is kids clothing and shoe store. We have to travel for that, to one of the surrounding areas. I do a lot of online shopping :)
  7. Kiasmum

    Kiasmum In Flower

    Aug 26, 2012
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    I think it is a real shame when businesses have to close,especially when it's the only one of its type. Do you know the reason? Perhaps the owners are retiring?

    Nowadays it is difficult for bricks and mortar businesses to compete on price with the e-commerce businesses and I shop a lot online as I can't carry anything too heavy,but we still try and use local shops when're we can.In our town centre we have one really good fabric and haberdashery shop which has been in continuous business for 50 years and recently they expanded into the shop next door to increase their range of quilting fabrics! In our economic climate they have taken quite a risk as obviously they need to cover the extra rent etc. I know that they will never be able to compete with the online shops but I try and buy all of my basics from them and Mark bought all the elephant fabric from there. Happily they have decided to keep the extra shop for at least the next 5 years,hopefully longer.they are also trying to increase their internet presence with an online store as well.

    Perhaps the clothing store in your town 2ofus hasn't responded well to the changing nature of people's shopping habits?
  8. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    I also do most of my clothes buying online, mainly because the store catered more to the younger people. My belly button and chest is not something anyone wants to see! :eek: I'm sure that eventually another store will open or one of the existing stores will cover the shortage.
  9. koszta kid

    koszta kid Young Pine

    May 6, 2011
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    Lot of small town stores are closing. One thing can not get the help. Customers yes. If they had self-check out might help. Buy of DH things on line or catalog. He's a big man-no stores even out-let mall 20 miles away. Go there the big and tall mens stores only suits and dress shirts.

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