We have two bird feeders and three suet cakes in the backyard. Since no one else for miles feeds the wild birds, we're the only game in town. You can call this a mixed flock, or a buffet line!
Marly—Way cool, only game in town er not, it is great seeing those birdies. In fact, you guys get lots of interesting birds there. Cheers for the piccy.
Very nice treats for the birds. Sjoerd you have a good heart. I think twice before feeding the birds again the squirrels , chipmunks, ground squirrels seem to take over the feeders . Sjoerd do you have ground squirrels? Ground squirrels have literally cost me hundreds of dollars in damage to plants by squirrels eating roots. I finally caged them last summer. In 2 years I’ve lost so many small trees and beloved peonies, every plant lost is like loosing a friend been here for many many years . Some trees started from seed others like my monkey puzzle tree irreplaceable. Heat breaking. Soo.oo your area is in a plot is ok..my home was surrounded by ground squirrels digging round the entire foundation of the house. Caused so much damage I am not sure I’ll feed the birds for awhile. I even got rid of my hazel nut trees. Loved watching the grey squirrels up snagging nuts late in the season. They bury their stash everywhere in fall. The next spring there are hundreds of tiny hazel nut tree seedlings popping up everwhere even in the pots. Who wudda thought feeding birds would be so complicated. Anyway these ground squirrels are on “WANTED”posters in several western states across the country. Farmers crops have been decimated in a few weeks. Ground squirrels called Belding’s ground squirrels live underground like moles and gophers. Unfortunately my story is not unusual in this country. I currently will keep my antenna up throughout all 4 seasons since their arrival and I monitor the pastures like a hawk.
Pac— luckily we have no ground squirrels…at least where I live. They must drive you around the bend. Stay vigil.
@Sjoerd so glad to hear you don’t have ground squirrels. They are far worse than gophers and moles combined. Soon you’ll be starting seeds for your veggie garden. Then the gardening begins in your merry wonderful plot . I wonder if you have any veggies left from last season? I remember you had a lot to store for the winter. I read it is common in the Netherlands for plot assignments and shared gardens. Lots of Camaraderie and many good people for you to share you experiences. You seem to be not only a huge veggie gardener but like people along with sharing your gardening skills and knowledge. It a lucky find to share gardening stories with like minded people. Thank you for always being here as a positive supportive friend indeed. I appreciate your goodwill, stories and much more.
Pac— thanks mate. You’re a keeper, you are. You asked about having veggies left. There are indeed veggies left in the freezer. Another three months or so, but it is dwindling. I do not know exactly when we will buy some stuff in the store again.
Great deal Sjoerd your home grown veggies definitely are very healthy and tasty. Always a treat to see. Not to mention your flowers/vines that surround the veggie garden like guards prepared to protect from threatening critters.