The orange Canna that I got from one of my aunts this spring is really doing well. My brother asked me, "What are you giving these plants?" My reply, "Nothing but love and attention." :-D Anyhow... the plant has got to be approaching 7 foot tall! I'm nearly 6 foot and I couldn't reach the top of the bloom. Canna - tall ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) And you know how sometimes you have to get on your knees to get a close-up photo of some flowers? Well not with this one! I had to tippy-toe! :-D Canna ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) And is this a seed pod? I know the Canna multiplies readily... but does it also put on a seed pod? Whatever they are, they intrigued me. Canna - end ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
I have some Canna that reach over 6 feet tall too and I have some that only get about 3 feet tall, I like the 6 footers best. The height is determined by the plant, not the care and feeding tho. Yep, they put out seeds but since they multiply like rabbits I don't even bother saving them. Also, most of the Cannas on the market are hybrids bred to make newer bright and different colors and combinations so the plant from the seed will probably not look like it's mother plant. But since there is no telling what it will look like that might be a fun experiment. You have to scrape them with sandpaper until you see the white under the outer husk, then plant them like you would any other seed.
My aunt's plants only get about 4-5 foot. I told my brother that this one was getting so tall because it didn't want to get outdone by the Texas Star! I may just have to try planting one of the seeds... just for the heck of it. Thanks for the info, Toni... I wouldn't have known how to go about it.
I wish I knew what is in your soil then, cause I have some 3 foot red ones that I would love to see grow a couple feet taller.
Another of my aunts has some yellow canna she said she had gotten from one of her aunts years ago from Louisiana. I WILL be getting some of that one this fall! Or would spring be better for transplanting them?
Where you and I are they can be transplanted either time. I usually do the digging up and moving in October. Transplanted in spring tho, there is a chance they won't bloom that year. far as the seeds. Do they look ready now or do they turn brown? How will I know when they are ready?
The pods will dry, turn brown and start splitting open. Then you harvest the black seeds inside. Talking about growing them from seed has me thinking that I just might have to try that this year. Gee thanks for yet another gardening project
Your cannas are Beautiful...I am still waiting for my canna to get a bloom. I have it in a large pot.
I believe these are just about finished blooming. But I have another type (red ones) that is just showing signs of blooming. Hope they're half as pretty as these orange ones.