I had bought six tubes of bees in 2006.This photo is my third year with orchard bees. There pollinating activity is like a honeybee on steroids. The second bundle of tubes from the right are completely filled with bees and the first bundle on the right are partially filled tubes. In February they both went into the fridge. I did not put them outside until the apple blossoms show white tip. Seven years later, I now have well over 200 tubes and still growing. p20500111 by tsebmj, on Flickr
Do you use your orchard been simply for pollination John? I take it they are not as labour intensive as the honey bees and that you don't gather any honey from them.
Just for pollination. They do not produce honey and I think they may be more labor intensive than the honey bee. You have to see them side by side when pollinating and when they are filling the tubes with babies.