I had some herbs in the little triangle shaped bed on the northeast side of the house. Along one edge are two sage plants (which I now realize are too close together) and two thyme plants and some parsley plants.I had bee balm (monarda) and oregano there too. I decided the oregano wasn't going to come back this year so last week I bought seeds and started them in a pot. So, today I needed to move the small tomatoes out of the direct sun. As I was moving them to a spot in the triangle bed, I saw some green and yep, there was the oregano coming up and also the bee balm. The lemon balm is in a bed right outside of the triangle bed and it is doing good,too. I put some lemon verbana in pots because they were small, but they are growing pretty fast. I wonder if I should get bigger pots because they may need to go inside during the winter and I would hate to kill them by trying to pot them up in the fall. Dooley
I'm very impatient that way too Dooley. It seems every time I replace something I thought was gone, it starts to grow!
I'm guilty of it too dooley! Glad everything is coming back for you and doing good. I love bee balm but it doesn't do very well for me!
Glad everything is doing well. I have basil and sage started in the house. Have to get my herb garden built soon and get them outside.