Well, this is probably my one and only OSU Blue tomato. I started them VERY late in the season because I lost the seeds after Bunky sent them to me. Then I killed all of them and this one I had to root after it keeled over because I burned them all with fertilizer...My oh my, I never had such a failure at starting a crop as these. So about Sept. 1st or so I planted my one survivor in a corner of the big green house that I planted up for the Fall. I have a couple more developing, but I am not sure if they will survive until they ripen. Everything else is almost picked off those plants that are mature and I will quit heating it pretty soon. OSU Blue tomato ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden )
carolyn keiper, Save it, pickle it, freeze it....dehydrate it. No, I'm just kidding, a picture to keep the memory is wonderful. It is really cool.
Why do they call them blue ? Looks a bronze color on my computer. Pretty what ever it is. Is it a hybrid or heirloom ? Keep the seeds if the latter.
Mart, I am not sure why it is called blue as it isn't really a blue or purple color that I can tell yet. Maybe as it ripens a little more it will change to a deeper plum/bluish color. I turned it to look at it on the plant and broke it off so I brought it in yesterday and the color was almost green, but with the hue of change starting already. The bottom is sort of pinker that the sides. I will get another picture after my batteries are charged and again when I cut it. Then I will report as to whether I would grow it again for the flavor. I do believe it is an OP tomato, not an heirloom, not a hybrid, so I could save the seeds, but I think the color isn't dark enough to make it a keeper. The line isn't stable enough to be consistent in the color of it's fruit yet. Probably needs a few more seasons of selective growing, which may already be done, to reach a consistent fruit color. Or maybe when you grow out the seedling you are supposed to keep only the darkest pigmented ones to put out in the garden. I only had 1 to work with, so there wasn't much to work with. Barb, I am going to eat it if it is a good one. I love to try different colors of new vegetables. Most of the ones I have tried I have liked, so hopefully this will be one of those, too.
What a story, Carolyn. It is a very interesting-looking tom. I'm glad that you had some are at least having SOME success. It was a rough beginning with the fertilizer, but things like that can be corrected next time. I am really curious about how it tastes. I could imagine that folks there might well be interested in trying them in the markets that you stand in.
S, Next year will come quickly. So I'll try again as long as I like the taste. As soon as it is a little riper I will cut it photo it and update this. Wahooo! The forecast for the next week is great and so maybe just maybe the next OSU Blue will vine ripen....
UPDATE Here is the tomato two days riper. It was very good, I am glad to say. It had a nice soft but not mealy texture, juicy and a little sweet with a bit of tart to it. Nice. OSU Blue tomato ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden ) OSU Blue tomato ( photo / image / picture from carolyn keiper's Garden )